Individual Military Vehicle and Fire Engine Registration

This page allows you to register INDIVIDUAL Military Vehicles and Fire engines for our show, if you'd like to register a classic car, please click here to go to the classic car registration page. If you're registering as a group of vehicles, please use the group booking form instead.

We welcome entries from Military vehicles and Fire engines. All exhibitors are required to complete an application form in order to obtain the required wristbands for entry into the site. The site closes at 6pm to the public and only wristband holders may remain on site, wristbands will be issued to you when you arrive.

The site opens to exhibitors for setting up as of 10am on Friday 11th August.

A maximum of 4 wristbands will be given per exhibitor on arrival. Additional wristbands can be purchased from the Booking in Tent on arrival. Wristbands cannot be issued on behalf of another and must be secured before proceeding onto the show ground. They will be checked by Security and EOH Staff while on site. If you are not wearing a wristband you will not be served at the Bar or Catering Facilities outside of show hours and will be escorted to the Booking in Tent to purchase one.

It is against the Law to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. Please ensure you have proof of age available on arrival if requested by a member of either the Security or EOH Staff when being issued wristbands.

Please note:

Unless you have booked as part of a re-enactment group, individual military vehicles and/or fire engines will be placed on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to have a space next to another vehicle owner, you will both need to arrive together, otherwise we cannot guarantee to be able to place you with each other.

To apply for a Vehicle display, please complete the electronic application form below
if you'd rather print and complete a paper form, please click here

Please complete the form below, and we'll contact you by return:

A condition of our Event insurance requires us to ensure that all exhibitors have public liability insurance
to attend the show, Essex HMVA Members, this is included in your Member Benefits.

I / We agree that we will abide by the Essex HMVA show rules
I /confirm I will ensure all the members in my group will be made aware of and will comply with the rules and safety requirements.

Paper Form

If you cannot use the electronic form above, please click on the image of the form below to download a pdf that you can complete, print and return to us.

Click here to download the Military Vehicle entry form (.pdf)